As a Marketing veteran with over 20 years of experience, and nearly a decade in internet marketing alone, coupled with being a native New Yorker, there usually isn?t much a company can do in the way of internet advertising that can get me to buy.
After awhile, I got quite jaded with all the standard squeeze pages that beg me to cough up my prized e-mail address with their umpteenth free newsletter, outlandish claims of internet riches and a ?last seat on the bus? mentality with either a ?just 52 left at this price? or ?you?ve got 1 hour, 12 minutes and 6 seconds to buy? (complete with a second-by-second ticker to try and stress me out).
I have to admit though, even I can be bought. That?s what happened when I received an e-mail from a mailing list I was on for an article marketing site called ArticlesBase ( that helps me do some very solid internet marketing. Since they have been very responsive and helpful, I was willing to give the kind of hokey e-mail offer they sent me a chance. Besides I love to study what others are doing for their internet marketing efforts?-boy do I get some great ideas!
When I clicked on the requisite link and saw the headline, I thought, ?oh boy, here we go again. Could this BE any more outrageous a claim?? Yet I have to admit, it hooked me because it was about Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Instinctively, I shivered seeing those words ?Pay-Per-Click Advertising?, because it brought back really bad memories of previous attempts I made at using these services for three different endeavors-?to sell one of my early e-books; to try and drum up mortgage and real estate leads; and to sell a piece of real estate. All of these sucked the money out of my Pay-Per-Click accounts faster than just about anything I had ever seen?-even for low-cost keywords of just 5 cents each!
I should have known better, as all of the successful internet marketing consulting work I have done for myself and my clients never required a single Pay-Per Click expenditure. But every time you go do a search on Google or Yahoo!, the pages are crawling with these ads, so you figure, ?these pay-per-click ads must be working for someone or they wouldn?t all be here. I?ll try one more time?. It might as well have been Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown after sincerely promising not to do it ever again. You just know the outcome!
Anyway, so naturally when I saw this well-crafted example of a squeeze page about a secret for getting pay-per-click ads for free, I hate to admit it, but it hit a nerve and drew me in. So much so that after reading it, and letting the clock on the cookie-encoded page tick down for a few hours, and then a few hours more, later that night I decided, what the heck? I had wasted a lot more money on my previous Pay-Per-Click escapades than what this sharp internet marketer was asking for, and they got me.
Was I satisfied with the money I spent on learning ?the pay-per-click advertising secret?? Actually yes. I don?t expect to get rich overnight from the technique described, although I can see that it has potential. But I had to give the person who thought it up my kudos, as it is something I hate to admit I did not think of myself that should have been very obvious to me. In addition, as a marketing professional, I really appreciated the careful crafting of the advertising message and the way ?the Pay-Per-Click advertising secret? was unveiled in the e-book I bought. Plus, there were some very good internet marketing resources mentioned in the e-book, as well as on the company?s affiliate marketing pages, that I had not known about before.
Even if I never use the main technique described regarding the Pay-Per-Click advertising secret (although I am definitely going to give it a try because it makes worlds of sense), I still feel I got my money?s worth on being able to study a skilled marketing campaign, and to get additional resources that will certainly help any of my internet marketing endeavors for myself and my clients.
So even if you think you know it all, and have heard it all, when it comes to internet marketing, it can?t hurt to open your mind every now and then to a well-done, enticing offer. You just might learn something.
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Source: Finance