Monday, February 18, 2008

The Road to Pay Per Click Keyword Success

Is it time to the search engine of your marketing campaign for the next level? As I meet marketing research of all skill levels to Pay Per Click peaks in the world, everyone wants to know the secret of making the most money with Pay Per Click. You? Ll want to read to take advantage of certain techniques to optimize your PPC investment. Prospecting keywords that are lower in price, but still provide good results is important. To begin with, set up a campaign keywords and keywords that are going after the competition has not yet discovered. More than 500 million keywords are searched every month, but only 15 to 20 percent auction. These keywords will be lower volumes of research that all the words of one and two options word, but the conversion rate will be higher. This will minimize your risk by spreading your money over budget more words.The Keyword Mining Process You want to use both methods in the process of mining keyword development strategies: finding 'ideas and research. Conduct your own discussion groups gathering your friends, associates, relatives and others to find out how they search for your product. Then put in place these keywords in relevant categories and write titles and descriptions for each, thereby reducing the time spent copywriting.The second step in the process involves mining keywords using tools dig for keyword variations. You can take the word of your discussion group suggested, and use it to expand your lists by plugging them into tools keyword search such as:? Yahoo Tool selecting keywords ( / rc / srch)? Google AdWords keyword (ad / select /)? KeywordSandbox (https: / / / select / KeywordSandbox)? Wordtracker ( KeywordMax ( Keyword Intelligence (www.keyword Taking Pay Per Click to the Next Level The following time-tested techniques that have worked for me and other PPC Summit trainers. Adding a search engine to your site. This will give you information on how users are finding you and it lets you know whether people can find what they want on your site. You can find a good search engine tool at, or find other by typing "search engine open source" in any search engine. Check the source code on the sites of your competitors and gather ideas for your thought process from some of their keywords. Remember, it's not a good idea to use the same keywords, unless you provide the same product or service. Also examine your entire website. Many people stop their keyword searches on their home page. They do not know that their internal pages can provide a multitude of new keywords. Find all the words. Be sure to include all variants of a term, ie. Singular, plural, spelling, abbreviations, etc. Remember that "keyword" may be three or more words - these are keywords that produce return on investment higher with less' investments.
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