Sunday, November 23, 2008

Use Google Adwords Effectively to Make Money Online

One of the latest online money making tactics is to use Google AdWords. This program has the potential to improve your cash flow, however, you need to know how to proceed before you can make a realistic estimate about the kind of money you will be able to earn. This article will go over the basics of Google AdWords including what you need to do to join, and what you need to do to be profitable in this marketing plan.

Google AdWords is an advertising program that is targeted at merchants. It is an potent method to establish your company's online existence. It is very cost effective with an one time start-up fee of only $5.00 followed by a per click-through cost of between one cent and $100. This price will be based on what you are willing to pay. If you want to target a specific content genre or website, then you will pay a minimum of $0.25 per 1000 impressions. To help you initiate the most effective site-targeted ad campaign, AdWords also grants you with a development tool to help you build your ad.

Creating Your Google Adwords Ad

While you are free to design and comprise your own AdWords ad, there are editorial restrictions that apply to this program. The first is that you must use conventional punctuation in your ads. You are not permitted to use an exclamation in your title, nor are you permitted to use unnecessarily repeated punctuation. You can only use one exclamation mark in your entire ad, so be selective about what is the most exciting thing you want to stress.

In addition to using standard punctuation you have to use standard capitalization. You are not allowed to use all capital letters in words for emphasis, such as FREE or BREAKING NEWS. You can, however, use all caps if your ad contains an acronym such as CPA or LPN. You can also use a capital letter for each new word in your URL address for example is permissible.

You also will need to use proper grammar, and spelling. This guideline help to improve the grade of ads allotted by Google AdWords, and gives the program legitimacy. In addition to maintaining a strict standard of formatting, succinctness is also required. AdWord titles are limited to 25 characters, and ads are limited to two lines of text each containing a limitation of 35 characters and an URL address with no more than 35 characters. These additional restrictions help to maximize the effectiveness of the ad space used.

Maximize the Benefits of Google AdWords

To heighten your benefits with Google AdWords, you will need to brainstorm advertisements that meet all the requirements that they set out, as well as create a concise ad that tells your potential customers exactly what you offer. To get an idea of what other businesses are doing surf the web looking for AdWords displays. See how accepted ads have been worded, and evaluate how you react to their wording. If you are enticed to click on the advertisement then you might want to consider using a similar format for your ad.


Nine Tips to Make Sure Your Paid Search Marketing Costs You as Much as Possible

I don?t know if you?ve heard, people, but we are in a recession. Unemployment is on the rise?profits are on the decline?and everybody is going to have to do their part ? do their part to preserve the profitability of Google and every other online advertising company. So here are my top nine tips for making sure that you waste as much money as possible on your pay per click campaigns. Google needs you?and your money. So let?s get going!

1. Send all traffic to your home page. Always assume that a person arriving at your home page can find his way to the actual information he was looking for. Make your visitors click as many different links as possible to get to their destination. Make a game out of it.

2. Give your visitors lots and lots of options. The more different buttons and links there are to click, the better. Make your site as confusing as possible to navigate.

3. Always, ALWAYS bid for the number one ad spot. Being number one should be your top priority above any other consideration, such as return on investment. Don?t be a wimp.

4. Use vague, broad keywords. The less specific, and the less relevant to your actual business, the better. Avoid keywords that would be used by someone nearly ready to make a purchase.

5. Write generic, boring ads that do not use the keywords in the headline or copy. And never, ever use dynamic keyword insertion. It just makes the ads match up too well with the keywords.

6. Only run one ad for each of your ad groups. Who knows your customers or market better than you? If you think you know what ad copy will be most effective in generating clicks or conversions, just go with your gut. Split-testing is too much work.

7. Run your account wide open. Make sure your ads are online 24 hours a day in every possible market. This is branding, man! Get your name out there!

8. Never look at your account statistics. Just assume that your account is doing great and generating leads or sales. After all, you set it up, so it must be right!

9. Only advertise on Google. You enjoy drinking the king of beers, and you only advertise on the king of search engines. Why spend all that time trying out different platforms?

Follow these nine tips and you will be guaranteed to give Google lots of your money and see as little as possible in results. So whip out that credit card and let?s get started running some ads!

It should be obvious that if you actually want to have SUCCESS in your pay per click marketing, you should pretty well do the opposite of everything listed above. Unfortunately, the above tips actually describe the way many inexperienced business owners or marketers run their pay per click accounts. Forget about any long list of tips. Here is a piece of advice that succinctly summarizes how to be successful with pay per click:

Be specific and test everything.

In other words, be specific with your keywords, ad copy, and landing page copy. Test different advertising platforms, ad types, ad positions, ad copy and landing page copy. And watch your stats so that you will know the results of your testing. Good luck!

If you?d like to learn how professionals manage pay per click campaigns, check out Scientific Search Engine Marketing: Strategies for Maximizing Your Pay per Click Return on Investment, available on or via digital download at


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why Do You Need to be Clear About the Purpose of Your Ads?

Kontera is an In-Text ad network that offers If you want to reach a specific audience in a specific way, you need to try pay per click advertising.

But you also need to understand what you want to tell them about.  Not having a clear purpose or reason for your advertising campaign is one of the biggest reasons why people don?t get the results they really want from their PPC campaign.

So how do you start?  How do you make sure that your advertising plan goes smoothly?

Firstly, you need to think about what your outcome should be.  Do you just want to get more customers coming to your website?  Do you want to promote a particular item or service?  Do you want to capture leads for your mailing list?  Or do you just want to make one specific sale?

Once you have decided on your desired outcome, you will be able to craft an ad that works with this angle.  Your best bet is to write down any and all ideas that come into your mind, and then review them to see which one works best. 

When you have one that you like, make sure that it does seek the outcome that you want, and that it appeals to people on this basis.  You should then monitor the results you are getting from the ads.  Not just the rate of click throughs you are getting, but how successful your conversion rate is.  After all, it?s one thing to get hundreds of visitors to your website, but if they aren?t performing the one action that you were looking for, you will be paying for a result you didn?t want.

As you can see, becoming an expert at pay per click advertising takes time.  Knowing why you are placing your ads is just the beginning.

The main key to success is to keep your feet on the ground.  Monitor your results carefully and don?t be afraid to experiment, but always rely on the knowledge you already have.  The more you learn, the more successful your pay per click campaigns will be ? both in the short and the long term.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Choose in Text Advertising as Your Pay Per Click Solution?

Pay per click advertising has long been a good option for webmasters to find new business with, provided they know how to use it in the right way.

But not all forms of PPC were made the same.  For example, in text advertising offers far more in the way of benefits than using the pay per click solutions offered by well known search engines does.

So what exactly is in text advertising?

Put simply, your ad won?t automatically appear.  It will be linked to a specific word or phrase on a website, and it will only pop up when someone looking at that page rolls their mouse over the word in question.  They will then see your ad and they have the option to click on it to visit your website.  If they do that, you pay for the click.  But if they only look at the ad, you won?t pay a cent.

So far it sounds pretty much like any other form of pay per click advertising.  But in text advertising has another big benefit that allows you to promote your business free of charge, even if you don?t get the click through that you ultimately want.

You see, because your ad comes up in a box when someone hovers over the word it is connected to, there is more space in that box than you would get with a typical PPC ad.  Many companies that offer in text advertising allow you to have your business logo in that box as well.

What this gives you is an excellent chance to spread the word about your brand.  Even the people who see your ad and don?t click on it to visit your site will see that logo and may remember it the next time they come across your company.

This all helps to increase the familiarity of your business with the people who are most likely to buy from you.  It won?t just be anyone who sees these ads either.  Because the sites your ads will appear on are relevant to your topic of interest, they will provide you with a connection to the very people who form the bulk of your customer base.

So however big or small your PPC advertising campaign is, you need to be sure that you include in text advertising in it.  You will be delighted at the results you can get.


Adwords Cash Google Ppc Profits

What is adwords cash google ppc profits? Is there such a thing? It implies that one could profit from Google's ppc platform, Adwords.

Truth be known ppc advertising isn't as easy as it used to be. Hard work and a very good understanding of what it is and how the ppc world works is definitely a must or like gambling you could lose your shirt very quickly. Having a good product means nothing if you use ppc advertising and don't know what you are doing. Settings, ad copy, keywords, landing pages, URL's and more are all an important part of creating a successful ad campaign no matter what platform you use. One thing is for certain, people the world over that do know what they are doing and do fully understand are definitely earning massive pay outs with adwords cash google ppc profits.

Ppc advertising can be a nightmare for unsuspecting individuals. There is so much to learn an understand. Most ppc platforms get you hooked, not purposely, by showing you tutorials and basically just getting you set up which is pretty understandable stuff for the average person. So your foot is in the door and you've paid your deposit and left your credit card number on their files for future funding. What do you do now?

Although it's easy to use the adwords cash google ppc profits platform and make money you still don't know how so you are basically on your own using their system as best as you can but there is so much more that you need to know because doing it your way is draining your pockets quickly and now you're thinking what a crock. This just does'nt work, at least not for you but the owner of the platform is getting very wealthy because of your and people like you easy contributions. So ppc advertising earns another bad name. So on goes the bashings.

Now I'm not a basher of ppc advertising but I was once in your shoes, if you're one who happens to be loosing at ppc advertising right now. Let me tell you that persistence pays and that the old cleche'"ignorance is nine tenths of the law" is a true addage that applies to almost everything. It's so easy to get set up and just jump right into a ppc advertising platform, ignorance and all, and try to maneuver around and expect great things to happen but it never does as your well continues to runs dry. Fact is you can earn big from the adwords cash google ppc profits platform. I overcame my ignorance and learned by studying different guides from others who do well at ppc earning and now I myself do well with it and so will you.

Important conditions of use. This article MUST NOT be changed or altered in any way. ALWAYS include the resource box with the article when you publish it, You may publish this article on your blog or website, you can email it to your subscribers and submit it to the various online article directories.
All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright 2008


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Your Business Too Small to Benefit From Pay Per Click?

When you are on a tight budget and your business has only just got off the ground, you will need to be very careful about cash flow.  Many a business has fallen into the trap of becoming too successful too quickly, and been unable to manage the cash flow as a result.

One of the key areas that can prove to be problematic is advertising and promotion.  It can also be a vicious circle.  You need to advertise to get customers, but you need to pay to advertise.  And you need customers to buy stuff from you in order to be able to afford to advertise in the first place.

Needless to say, you need to be sure you are using the best possible methods of advertising, and that you have a tight hold on those purse strings.

Pay per click advertising has proven itself to be able get the results that businesses are looking for.  It is an outstanding model of advertising to use, since you are in total control of your spending ? but it can also cause damage if you don?t understand how to use it properly.

While there is no doubt that many multi-national businesses use pay per click advertising to promote their businesses and their brands, the little guy can also benefit from it.  Everyone uses the same level playing field, no matter whether you have a budget in seven figures or one in just two figures.

The size of the playing field you can get on with your budget is what will vary.  If you want to try bidding on the phrase ?credit card?, for example, you had better be prepared to play with the biggest players out there today ? and have a big budget to support you.

But down on the lower levels there are plenty of keywords to bid on that will bring you the visitors you want.  The trick is to do your research before you get started. 

So in short, no business is too small to use the pay per click advertising model.  A smaller budget certainly won?t go as far, but it will still get you results.


Advertising and Making Money on Website

Advert-Bux is an incentive based advertising community where the members will receive $0.01 for every ad they view for 20 seconds and also receive a percentage of what all their direct referrals earn. You can do the same now.
Advertisers need visitors and they are willing to pay you for it.
Signing up is free and only takes seconds.

Advert-Bux is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our "View Ads" page..

You view websites for a few seconds, via the "View Ads" page. Once the few seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned money for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit
Get Paid

If you have the minimum amount accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request.

What is Advert-Bux?

Advert-Bux is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our, "View Ads" page.

How does it work?

You view websites in a few seconds via the "View Ads" page. Once the few seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned money for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one website from the "View Ads" page open. When this happens, you get no credit.

for advertisers
Advertise on Advert-Bux

Setting up and displaying your link for Advert-Bux members to visit is fast and simple.
We charge $4 per 1000 member visits and each visit will last at least 20 seconds.
Outside visits are unlimited and included within the price.
We will review your website and will have it active within 24 hours.
Your hits will be unique. We will only count the first visit from each person that visits your link each day.

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$100 a year
for more details visit this link


Friday, November 14, 2008

Affiliate Marketing - Get Rich Quick?

With a rapidly increasing online community, many entrepreneurs are taking the opportunity to dive into the deep end of affiliate marketing. There are stories of people making thousands out of their affiliate programs and more and more eager prospects are wanting a piece of the pie. If only it were that easy.

Essentially, affiliate marketing is the concept of taking another retailers products and promoting them yourself, taking commission for every sale that you achieve. Many people think this sounds like just an easy way to make some quick cash but there is a lot of necessary hard work to become a top affiliate. For example, if you type the words Wii Mario Kart into Google, you'll notice a number of sites popping up which compare prices for the product amongst the top retailers. These are affiliate sites, websites that are designed to help the public choose the best place to purchase and bring the creator a nice chunk of commission in the process.

So, how do you go about becoming a top affiliate and have your sites ranking towards the top of Google and other search engines? As I have said, the online marketplace is very competitive so picking a product where 100 others have already set up sites would make it very difficult to bring in any sort of considerable earnings. The key is to pick a niche market. The products on your site need to be specialist items, preferably of high value in order to get the best commission possible. For example, you could specialise in building products for the trade which is a hugely uncompetitive market compared to the likes of DVDs, CDs or consoles. There is also a far better chance that you'll get an appropriate domain name for these sorts of products with less having been taken already.

Secondly, the content of your site is vitally important. By content, we are talking about what your site actually says. Google advises that to compete in their search engine, content should be of high quality and original. Unique content will distinguish your site from other affiliate marketers and give you the edge when it comes to earning that commission. The content that you have is also used as keywords within the search engines so choose them wisely. Do some research into popular keywords for the product that you are trying to sell. You can use Google Trends or Google Zeitgeist for some basic keyword analysis.Good ways to find content ideas may be looking at competitor sites, checking out some blogs or products review or visting article sites like Ezine or Helium.

Link building is imperative to success. This in essence means getting links to your site in as many places as possible. If other people have links to your site it will improve your search ranking, get you known and ultimately improve sales through your site. There are lots of ways to get links to your site on the world wide web. You could swap links with other sites, post on relevant forums, make comments on blogs with your link attached, write articles that included your link and post them on directories, answer questions on sites such as Wiki and using social sites li8ke Facebook, Myspace and Digg are just a few ideas.

The methods that I've talked about so far are all ways to improve your organic search ranking but you can influence it more through pay per click programs. This is a method of bidding on Google keywords in order to get your site towards the top of search rankings on those specific terms. You will be charged every time somebody clicks on your link but the capacity for sales and thus commission is far higher. I wouldn't advise using pay-per-click if you are just starting out. Once you have a little bit of money earned, then it is time to take advantage.

These are just a few basic tips for affiliate marketing. Of course, there is a lot of hard work involved when creating and maintaining affiliate websites but if done properly the benefits are infinite.

For more articles like this please visit


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today an Expert PPC Course is Required to Dominate the PPC World

All to often people young and old decide to make a living from the internet and tend to opt for the quick cash solution - Pay Per Click Advertising.

However seldom do they find much success and in most cases they haemorrhage money by the bucket load - why?

Because they believe if they throw cash at something, it will work - well it doesn't.

Like anything in life it takes time and knowledge to build or develop the skills required to become a successful PPC marketer.

So first things first - DO NOT start loads of Ad campaigns and set $50 daily budgets with the hope that you have found that golden product or keyword. Truth is - if you as an inexperienced internet marketer know it exists - so do thousands of others.

Find a course, forum or person to help you acquire the PPC skillset you need to make money. Again don't just throw cash away - do your research.

One commonly found learning resource online today is and it is their brand new course I want to tell you about.

WA is offering a superb 40 hours of dedicated PPC training over 12 lessons to anyone who joins. If you know of WA or indeed have heard good stuff about them you will know that 40 hours on a single method such as this will deliver laser targeted results for any budding internet marketer.

WA has taken thoudsands of people from novice to expert - so this must make these two guys ultra experts!

Remember PPC or if you prefer Pay Per Click Advertising / Marketing is saturated with novices and without sound advice or an expert PPC course they often throw cash down the drain.

Search Engine providers like Google, Yahoo and MSN are laughing all the way to the bank.

Get smart, Gain knowledge and Commit to an accredited course...

Join WA's Expert PPC Course 


How to Set-up a Profitable PPC Campaign Just Like the Big Boyz

One of the biggest all time factors that separates a true Internet Marketer from the rest is the simple fact that they know how to set-up a ?real? PPC campaign using true and time tested techniques that produce wonderful results. So, are you tired of being left in the dark? Well then, let?s get to it!

Before we start I suggest that if you have no clue what PPC Marketing ?really? is, you should first start with Article Marketing which is another powerful and did I mention free technique.

Any who...

Here is how the Big Boyz do it.

First they know the all time importance of setting-up all their campaigns like this -->

Niche Market --> Perfect Customer --> Relevant Keywords --> Relevant Ads & Ad Groups --> Relevant Landing Pages --> Relevant Product and/or Service Offerings

Let?s explore this a little further.

If I were to set-up a campaign for something that was HOT and already selling hint, hint! I would first do some due diligence by performing the proper research. And through that ?proper research? I would find out WHO my "perfect customer" is and WHY they are buying (and as you get further along you will probably find out that most profitable niche markets are composed of people who are trying to solve problems) I would then select keywords that my "perfect customers? are using to buy that product and/or service. Then I would set-up a landing page (after testing) by using the Common or Focus Keyword Technique. And I would also use this same technique in setting-up my PPC marketing campaign.

For Example:

Let?s say that the industry I was promoting was dog food? And my ?niche market? within this industry was "golden retriever dog food"

So my campaign would look like this -->

Campaign Name: Dog Food

Ad Group Name: Golden Retriever Dog Food

And my Ad Group?s Keywords would look something like this -->

dog food for golden retrievers

healthy dog food for golden retrievers

which dog food should I use for my golden retriever

golden retriever dog food

nutritious dog food for golden retrievers




And my Ad for this particular Ad Group would look something like this -->

Golden Retriever Dog Food

Using The Right Dog Food?

Ad Years Of Life To Your Retriever!

As you can see, I used the ?common keyword? in every part of my campaign and I made sure that it was all ?relevant.? Remember, relevancy is KEY -->

Niche Market --> Perfect Customer --> Relevant Keywords --> Relevant Ads & Ad Groups --> Relevant Landing Pages --> Relevant Product and/or Service Offerings


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don’t Let Your Own Success Topple You

This happens most often the day afterThanksgiving and so I?ll use that as an example.

This comes from way back when I worked at a department store as a teenager, and I got my first look at one important thing to consider when it comes to how you handle your marketing and your business.

As with most stores they had a huge day after Thanksgiving sale. Sure enough people came out in massive numbers just like you would expect, and the store saw lots of business. The problem came when certain of the more popular items quickly went out of stock. This issue was made worse by the fact that the store didn?t have any method for compensating for it.

The advertisements didn?t even mention while supplies last on the sale, so people were understandably quite angry to see that they were gone. Even if they had mentioned that, the supplies ended up being so low we ran out in the span of an hour, leaving a solid eleven more hours for the day without any of the product to sell to people.

Guess what most people did? They marched right out of that store and went over to the competition. Did the competition have what they were looking for? I couldn?t really say, but I do know they weren?t pleased with our store. Was this just because we didn?t have the product? No, I don?t think it was. Rather, we had to back up plan should our stocks immediately run out, and they saw that.

The next year someone had learned there lesson. They decided to print special business cards that offered an apology for our stocks running low, and gave them a rain check to come back in when supplies were back up and get the same good deal for when they eventually bought their products.

Sure, people were still upset by the fact that we didn?t have what they wanted, but when they were handed the card you could easily tell that they were at least pleased their time hadn?t been wasted. By coming in early they were still going to get the same good deal. These people walked away much happier, and much more likely to come back, all because someone decided to print business cards offering them a rain check.

For any business this is something to be watchful of. Don?t let your own popularity turn against you because you just weren?t prepared for so many people to come to you. You need to plan for any scenario that you can, even ones that include you getting a whole lot of business.

You don?t want to lose potential customers just because you were too popular and too busy to give them your attention. If you do that too much you won?t find yourself having any problems with being popular again.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Myinternetbusiness Online Home Opportunity

Do you have what it takes too go it alone?

We all have a time in our life where we are helped too get too the next stage on our journey. My name is craig jenkins, i am a successful internet marketer.


I have come across various coaches and mentors who have helped me too become what i am today. I have always been within a circle of mentors who possessed a lot more information and experience within the field of experience than myself. I have been offered an education within the field of marketing that your average protege would not of been taught. 

By people who have "Been there and done that", you will then be given a better understanding of how something works too the best of its potential. And you learn the best aspects, and a whole different perspective on how you can become a success.

Do you know how too get ahead? Would you say that you know the best methods too succeed within a densely populated industry. These are the questions we must ask ourselves when we jump right into an opportunity.

My internet business is a special gem that sticks out of the crowd, wouldn't it be great if everything you needed was in one golden package? The magic beans too success is out there, and we just have too find it. Some of us know the secret, and others just wonder and hope that one day it will be there turn for happiness.


My name is craig jenkins, i am moving forward with a home business, what are you doing? Get with the revolution.

Craig Jenkins & Direct Marketing




The Opportunity-



Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting Started With Adsense

Getting Started With Adsense

A very important element in the rapid adoption of AdSense is that it has been very easy for publishers to get the ads on their site as quickly as possible.

Integrating AdSense in your website takes only a few minutes, and you can be on your way with one or more nicely integrated AdSense ads.

The first thing you need to do is navigate to and either apply or log in with your existing account and password. What follows is a page presenting the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions which you must agree to in order to proceed.

You are presented with a report page which you can use to get a detailed status on how your AdSense advertising is doing. This allows you to improve your site's contents and layout to maximize your AdSense earnings.

On the top of your page you also have link to the setup section where you can generate the code that will need to be pasted on your website in order to have AdSense banners on your page.

You can use AdSense for text (the said ads), using a search box or with referrals. Your choice among these options depends on how users will navigate your site.

Finally, there is a "My Account" tab which allows you to set up details concerning your account, payment and tax information.

To add a text ad on your site, go back to the "AdSense Setup" tab and click the "AdSense for content" link. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser.

You can make a choice between ad units and link units. The former contain text and or images concerning a certain site for each unit, most with a detailed description, the latter only contain links to certain types.

Of course, it's a bit hard to know which type you should use so you should probably experiment with both for a while before you decide.

You can also view an example of how the unit will look to the right of your page. However, you may only use three ad units and one link unit on any given page. This is believed to be a step which Google takes for quality control.

The next step is to choose your add format and colors. You can basically select any color palette you choose with Google offering some of its own if you don't have the time or skill to create one. You can constantly view how the palette will look through the aid of an example. The one that works best in terms of appearance and revenues will vary with the look, feel and content of a website.

However, your ad formats are limited to a choice of eleven formats. There's an "Ad Formats" link which takes you to a page that lets you see all even of these in action so you can decide best which one suits your site. Sometimes the most intrusive, doesn?t work best however again, this can vary from website to website.

After you finish with customization, you can click "Continue" from the bottom of the page.

You are now presented with a section entitled "AdSense for Content". You can click anywhere in the text and that shows the JavaScript required to get AdSense running. This will automatically select the text in the box.

You can then copy it and paste it into your pages directly. If you use dynamic pages, you should paste this code within your template so as to ensure that it gets displayed on any page of your website. Some advertisers choose not to display Adsense on every page, and this is understandable. An example of this is a company that has adsense, may also have terms and condition which would inevitably provide legal resources which would probably be deemed inappropriate.

What is then left for you to do is get content on your page (provided you didn't have any already). Google AdSense crawlers will soon visit your site, making sure that the ads displayed are relevant to your site's content.

And you're all done. For a simple page this should indeed be a matter of a few minutes, which is precisely what makes AdSense the choice for so many. Although it is quick, its mass appeal also makes it the best. Through being the most popular, advertisers and publishers alike see Adsense and Adwords as their natural first choice.
