Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How Google, Msn and Yahoo Differ on Search Engine Marketing

So you are interested in advertising on Google, MSN and/or Yahoo but don't know if there are any real differences. Take it from me, there are very big differences and being aware of them can save you a lot of money.


Recently, I was charged with the task of promoting a new piece of software that is geared towards the small business market. I felt this was a good opportunity to run a test to see which search engine is most effective to advertise on. What I found was some startling differences between Google Adwords, Yahoo Sponsored Search and MSN AdCenter and how effective each one was at promoting my product.

Test Setup

Over two months run the same advertisements with the same keywords on Google Adwords, Yahoo Sponsored Search and MSN AdCenter to see how each of them performs. Though the daily budgets were the same, the cost per click had to vary in order to keep consistent with other bids for each search engine. The goal was to bid just enough to appear in an average search position of 2-3.

Test in progress

While the test was taking place I noticed that Google had by far the most impressions to offer and had very little trouble filling my entire budget each day. Yahoo, though they said they didn't have many impressions to offer for those keywords also maxed out my budget each day, sometimes even exceeding my daily maximum. MSN on the other hand never came close to filling my budget; sometimes it only drove a handful of people to the site over a week's time.

Another thing I noticed is that the cost per click varied slightly for the same position in their results. Google was the most expensive at just over $3 dollars per click, Yahoo was $2.67 and MSN was $2.39. I realize that the costs are a bit arbitrary without the keywords but this article is for comparison's sake and not specifics.

The Conclusion

In the end the only thing that really matters is how many clicks were converted. For those of you new to the term "conversion": A conversion is any signup, purchase or traceable action that you wish a user to perform. For us, a conversion meant a sign up.

After two months we had 60% of our signups from Google, 50% from MSN and a dismal 10% from Yahoo. The biggest surprise is that Google cost 50% of our total money spent, Yahoo cost 35% and MSN cost only 15% of our total budget. In the end MSN ended up being much cheaper per conversion and even though they didn't send a ton of traffic to our site it seemed that they were well qualified people that they were sending.

Yahoo was the biggest disappointment, costing over 3x's per conversion than Google and over 6x's more than MSN. There can be a host of reasons this is so, one of the possibilities is that Yahoo's users are not interested in the type of software we were promoting. Another possibility is that Yahoo's ads get clicked on by their users at a much higher rate which also causes the quality of the leads to be lower.

In the end, running campaigns on the major three search engines can be a great help, but monitoring them can save you a lot of money in the long run. What works on one search engine many not work on another, and keeping an eye on it will help you determine this. Don't be afraid to pull the plug if one is not working, sometimes you just need to go with what works and not force something that isn't showing you results.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/how-google-msn-and-yahoo-differ-on-search-engine-marketing-311817.html
education online

Monday, January 21, 2008

How to Get Google Ads Free

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for variouspublications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area. I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionalsat WebBusinessSecrets.com whose flagship product is entitled "GetGoogle Ads Free." In April of 2007 "Get Google Ads Free" was launched, and the effectwas nothing less than equal to "the shot heard around the world!" Within just weeks people everywhere were talking about it, andother top-notch online marketers were scurrying to sell it as anAffiliate for the company. But here's a little insight that 99.9% of everyone the world overdoesn't know: The Product's greatest endorser is none other than Google itself! That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problemwith the course that reveals how anyone can get ads on their searchengine for Free! Now, at this point I know you must be curious as to how such athing is possible, as Google makes its money from the sale of bothAdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters allow Google to showtheir ads on their pages). One might think that any information that revealed how anadvertiser could get their AdWords pay-per-clicks free would bedamaging to Google, and therefore Google would not want anyonefinding out about it, right? WRONG! It seems that the secret system developed by the retirednative New York doctor contains an interesting "twist" that whileallowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does notreduce a single dollar in AdWords revenue for Google. In fact, just the opposite! I cannot give away the secret here because that's why it's for salein the first place. But I can tell you that with the application of what's inside "GetGoogle Ads Free" that:

- Google loses NO money
- Google actually can make even more M0NEY!
- Advertisers gain an instant almost unfair advantage over anyone not knowing what's inside "Get Google Ads Free!"
- Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competition!
- Advertisers are not at risk any longer as their advertising budgets no longer matter! Wow!

And this is just the beginning! Now, where's the definitive PROOF that Google endorses the amazingsystem shown in "Get Google Ads Free?" I asked this question to company spokesperson and Vice President ofSales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin, to which he responded:
"We started our launch like we always do with any product online, using Google AdWords to offer our Product. "We used keywords that contained the word 'free' so we anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any campaign using them to experience. "But when our campaign was paused by Google for a tad more time than what we regularly anticipated, then we got concerned. "I actually placed a call directly to Google at 1-866-2-GOOGLE and spoke at length with a customer services rep who said she'd check into what was happening. "She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to the specific nature of the Product in question (i.e., the ebook "Get Google Ads Free!") their team at Google secured the product, read it all the way trough, and then realizing it would NOT hurt their revenue but actually increase it, they immediately un-paused and resumed our ads"
Amazing! They actually got what amounts to a Signed Certificate ofAPPROVAL from Google itself! Therefore, anyone who questions the truth or legality concerning"Get Google Ads Free!" need not fret at all. Yet, the usual "naysayers" seemed to ignore the obvious fact thatif Google had a problem with "Get Google Ads Free!" then we allwouldn't be seeing all the PPC ads at Google each time we type inthe keywords and phrases:
- free ads
- free advertising
- "Get Google Ads Free"
- free ppc
- free adwords And so forth!

Yet, there are many very stubborn, even foolish, among us ... > The "Crybaby Syndrome < To be fair, I must also inform you of those who seem to be out toget the company for sharing their amazing secret with the world. In what seems nothing more than a ploy to get attention, a UKonline firm operated by two "wanna-be" law students have a Blog thattalks the usual trash about the Product. The Blog's owner, Rob Scott, talks a big game by claiming thesecret system to be nothing short of a scam! He even recklesslythrows around the potentially libelous phrase ".con (Ooops, Imeant .com)" as an attempt at childish humor in order to bash thefirm's name. What's shocking is that this individual is actually a student oflaw (at least that's what he claims) so one would think that heshould perhaps check out the facts before proceeding with suchcareless remarks. After all, he admits severally that he "never even ordered theebook" so how could he truly know one way or the other if it was avalid system - not to mention it is assumed he's at leastreasonably intelligent since (according to him) he got into lawschool, that he would be able to see for himself the firm'sAffiliates' ads all over Google, and therefore reason that Googleitself is perhaps the firm's chief supporter. But stubbornness abounds, I suppose. Ironically Rob says that the only reason he attacks the firm isbecause "it's a no brainer that this must be a scam," and he got"tired of seeing all those little AdSense ads on his page thatpeople kept clicking on" (which by the way only stood to make himlots of M0NEY!)
yet he accepts donations on his site as a poor,struggling law student in need of paying for his education, andrather than legitimately earn an income from AdSense with anAPPROVED Product. Sadly, Rob actually censors most of his Blog so that others who wishto post POSITIVES concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" can't even doso. (But what would you expect from a "wanna-be" lawyer?) He even posts what appears to be an actual response by the firm'slawyer, but which is perhaps nothing more than his own postsdisguised and designed to make himself look better (as anyone cansee that the dialogue appears "manufactured" instead of genuine). What some people will do to project themselves as "Savior to therest of us" and "The People's Advocate." How ridiculous indeed. Despite the "crybaby" from across the pond, Rob Snot (Ooops! I musthave meant Rob Scott!) has failed miserably to put even a dent inthe firm's sales! Plus, traffic is on the rise shooting up from an average of 14,000visitors daily to now well above 20,000 visitors daily (an increaseof 42% in daily traffic alone!
Keep up the good work, Rob!!) Anyway, don't be dissuaded in your decision to build your onlinebusiness by eliminating your Google AdWords costs, as the course"Get Google Ads Free!" not only reveals precisely how you can dothis, but it goes 10 steps further by giving you all kinds of otheramazing strategies I can't even begin to allude to here. Plus, the e-Course comes with countless resources that go far beyondthe usual variety of instantly-clickable extra values! Lastly never forget that even though quite elderly now, Dr JonCohen has even set new records finishing ahead of himself by nowhaving:
- Grossed over $400 Million in revenues!!
- and SAVED over $100 Million in Google advertising costs!!
- attained a personal wealth above $80 million ...all due to his own system!

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/how-to-get-google-ads-free-310902.html
Personal Finance

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finally - a Top Secret Way you Can Get Google Adwords Pay-per-clicks Free

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!
A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an "oversight" on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.
And no, nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.
Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it."
This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.
Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."
So powerful is his secret that he's able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.
He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.
Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.
One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret "Wow! Ha! This is really unique ... and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!"
The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential."
Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long.
A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says "We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things."
One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret "he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this."
It is currently available at:
Click Here To Get Your Adwords Now!
...so you may want to head on over there now and get it.
It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.
While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?
To your success,

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/finally-a-top-secret-way-you-can-get-google-adwords-payperclicks-free-308291.html
home theater

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Maximize Marketing Revenue

Maximize Marketing Revenue with WealthyAffiliate.com

Today, we review Wealthy Affiliate, an extremely powerful and affordable service for Internet marketers. WealthyAffiliate.com is the parent site of the SiteRubix visual website designer suite, which is now integrated with the site's already large collection of high quality tools to help internet marketers succeed. The newly updated version 3.0 offers a number of improvements to the already wonderful support system, and includes a number of powerful new tools to help you maximize your revenue and reduce costs. The new site offers many invaluable benefits, but the three most important are personalized help from experienced internet marketers, powerful keyword and ad copy research tools, and the ability to use the above to effectively promote marketable products online, including Wealthy Affiliate and Site Rubix itself.

Expert PPC Marketing Help

WA is unique among Internet marketing help services in that it is owned and operated by Kyle and Carson, two highly successful salesmen in their own right, and provides members with the highest quality online tutorials and personalized help. As a member, you'll be exposed to only the most effective tried and true internet marketing strategies, not just the latest untested hype that you'll find elsewhere. The WA Forums and WA Spaces allow you to learn from and share your knowledge with hundreds of other internet marketers- a service not offered anywhere else. Similarly, the WA Jobs tool helps members find paid help for their marketing campaigns, or offer their skills to others for fun and profit.

Advanced Keyword Tools

The keyword tools WA provides are unique to the site, and are invaluable when it comes to saving time and maximizing the cost effectiveness of your marketing campaign. Below are just a few of the most important features:

1. Keyword Tool- Spy on the competition! Discover which keywords are worth promoting, and which ones aren't. Learn what seems to be working for your compeditors (saving you time and money), as well as discover new, lucrative niche opportunities the big boys missed.

2. Clickbank Research Tool- Any successful salesman knows that every profitable sale begins with a quality product. Without one, everything else is irrelevant. Fortunately, this otherwise lengthly and often financially risky prerequisite is made faster and safer with WA's Clickbank Research Tool. Clickbank is one of the world's biggest hosting companies for Internet marketable products. There are literally hundreds of thousands of products to purchase or promote, and this handy web service makes it easy to see which products are performing well, and which are useless. This tool alone could earn you thousands of extra dollars in income per year!

3. Keyword Phrase Builder- The Keyword Phrase Builder is the key (pun intended) to effective Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. A simple keyword like "marketing" is very broad, and probably expensive. It will probably not get you good results. On the other hand, a longer keyword phrase like "internet marketing info" makes your PPC ad copy more targeted


Making money online takes work, and there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, your work can be made much easier, more profitable, and more fun if you have the right tools. WealthyAffililiate.com gives you the tools you need to succeed, all for less than $1/day. Try it out! You won't be disappointed, and you may cancel at any time if you don't find it useful for some reason.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/maximize-marketing-revenue-306895.html
Skin Care

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Get Google Ads Free

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for various publications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area.

I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionals at WebBusinessSecrets.com whose flagship product is entitled "Get Google Ads Free."

In April of 2007 "Get Google Ads Free" was launched, and the effect was nothing less than equal to "the shot heard around the world!"

Within just weeks people everywhere were talking about it, and other top-notch online marketers were scurrying to sell it as an Affiliate for the company.

But here's a little insight that 99.9% of everyone the world over doesn't know:

The Product's greatest endorser is none other than Google itself!

That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problem with the course that reveals how anyone can get ads on their search engine for Free!

Now, at this point I know you must be curious as to how such a thing is possible, as Google makes its money from the sale of both AdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters allow Google to show their ads on their pages).

One might think that any information that revealed how an advertiser could get their AdWords pay-per-clicks free would be damaging to Google, and therefore Google would not want anyone finding out about it, right?

WRONG! It seems that the secret system developed by the retired native New York doctor contains an interesting "twist" that while allowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does not reduce a single dollar in AdWords revenue for Google.

In fact, just the opposite!

I cannot give away the secret here because that's why it's for sale in the first place.

But I can tell you that with the application of what's inside "Get Google Ads Free" that:

- Google loses NO money
- Google actually can make even more M0NEY!
- Advertisers gain an instant almost unfair advantage over anyone
not knowing what's inside "Get Google Ads Free!"
- Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competition!
- Advertisers are not at risk any longer as their advertising
budgets no longer matter!

Wow! And this is just the beginning!

Now, where's the definitive PROOF that Google endorses the amazing system shown in "Get Google Ads Free?"

I asked this question to company spokesperson and Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin, to which he responded:


"We started our launch like we always do with any product online,
using Google AdWords to offer our Product.

"We used keywords that contained the word 'free' so we
anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any
campaign using them to experience.

"But when our campaign was paused by Google for a tad more time
than what we regularly anticipated, then we got concerned.

"I actually placed a call directly to Google at 1-866-2-GOOGLE
and spoke at length with a customer services rep who said she'd
check into what was happening.

"She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to
the specific nature of the Product in question (i.e., the ebook
"Get Google Ads Free!") their team at Google secured the
product, read it all the way trough, and then realizing it would
NOT hurt their revenue but actually increase it, they
immediately un-paused and resumed our ads"


Amazing! They actually got what amounts to a Signed Certificate of APPROVAL from Google itself!

Therefore, anyone who questions the truth or legality concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" need not fret at all.

Yet, the usual "naysayers" seemed to ignore the obvious fact that if Google had a problem with "Get Google Ads Free!" then we all wouldn't be seeing all the PPC ads at Google each time we type in the keywords and phrases:

- free ads
- free advertising
- "Get Google Ads Free"
- free ppc
- free adwords

And so forth!

Yet, there are many very stubborn, even foolish, among us ...

> The "Crybaby Syndrome <

To be fair, I must also inform you of those who seem to be out to get the company for sharing their amazing secret with the world.

In what seems nothing more than a ploy to get attention, a UK online firm operated by two "wanna-be" law students have a Blog that talks the usual trash about the Product.

The Blog's owner, Rob Scott, talks a big game by claiming the secret system to be nothing short of a scam! He even recklessly throws around the potentially libelous phrase ".con (Ooops, I meant .com)" as an attempt at childish humor in order to bash the firm's name.

What's shocking is that this individual is actually a student of law (at least that's what he claims) so one would think that he should perhaps check out the facts before proceeding with such careless remarks.

After all, he admits severally that he "never even ordered the ebook" so how could he truly know one way or the other if it was a valid system - not to mention it is assumed he's at least reasonably intelligent since (according to him) he got into law school, that he would be able to see for himself the firm's Affiliates' ads all over Google, and therefore reason that Google itself is perhaps the firm's chief supporter.

But stubbornness abounds, I suppose.

Ironically Rob says that the only reason he attacks the firm is because "it's a no brainer that this must be a scam," and he got "tired of seeing all those little AdSense ads on his page that people kept clicking on" (which by the way only stood to make him lots of M0NEY!) -- yet he accepts donations on his site as a poor, struggling law student in need of paying for his education, and rather than legitimately earn an income from AdSense with an APPROVED Product.

Sadly, Rob actually censors most of his Blog so that others who wish to post POSITIVES concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" can't even do so. (But what would you expect from a "wanna-be" lawyer?)

He even posts what appears to be an actual response by the firm's lawyer, but which is perhaps nothing more than his own posts disguised and designed to make himself look better (as anyone can see that the dialogue appears "manufactured" instead of genuine).

What some people will do to project themselves as "Savior to the rest of us" and "The People's Advocate." How ridiculous indeed.

Despite the "crybaby" from across the pond, Rob Snot (Ooops! I must have meant Rob Scott!) has failed miserably to put even a dent in the firm's sales!

Plus, traffic is on the rise shooting up from an average of 14,000 visitors daily to now well above 20,000 visitors daily (an increase of 42% in daily traffic alone! -- Keep up the good work, Rob!!)

Anyway, don't be dissuaded in your decision to build your online business by eliminating your Google AdWords costs, as the course "Get Google Ads Free!" not only reveals precisely how you can do this, but it goes 10 steps further by giving you all kinds of other amazing strategies I can't even begin to allude to here.

Plus, the e-Course comes with countless resources that go far beyond the usual variety of instantly-clickable extra values!

Lastly never forget that even though quite elderly now, Dr Jon Cohen has even set new records finishing ahead of himself by now

- Grossed over $400 Million in revenues!!
- and SAVED over $100 Million in Google advertising costs!!
- attained a personal wealth above $80 million

....all due to his own system!

*NOTE: Rob Scott is broke and demands donations! (Ha!)

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!!

As one very famous Internet Marketer said it best:

"This is a weapon that should be in every Internet and Affiliate
Marketer's arsenal and library!"

Get it directly from the good doctor himself!

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/get-google-ads-free-305076.html
corporate branding

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Make Money Online With Adwords

Everyone has a problem with adwords, clicks are too expensive and conversions are not forthcoming. Advertising with adwords is simply too expensive to make a clear profit?

If this was the case why are people still flocking to use and are making masses of money out of it? The truth is if you dont know how to work the adwords system you are going to get stung and when Google sting you they sting you good. The fact of the matter is, if you know how to play the game, you can see hundreds of dollars in profit from adwords marketing.

I want to share with you some tips and tricks I have learnt to help me achieve $100 a day from adwords marketing. (By the way thats $100 profit)

1- Firstly put all your individual keywords in a different adgroup. Why? Because google works strictly with relevance and if you concentrate on each keyword you ca make it 100% relevant and get the cheapest clicks possible even at a higher position.

2- Use your keywords in the actual add, also use it in the display URL. The display URL can be anything and you dont get penalised for making it up. All my URLs are made up to include the keyword and I always have great quality scores!

3- If some of your ads have a low CTR get rid of them and create new ones, low CTR can lead to low quality score.

4- If your ads are unprofitable add buy now to the end of your ad. That way you guarantee the person who clicks through is willing to buy or isprepared to be sold!

5- Always track your keywords, you can add a google tracking code to your site or if your an affiliate ask the webmaster to add it to his/her site. This is a must as not all keywords convert.

This may seem time consuming but the road to internet riches is not a quick one. However with a bit of care and patience you could be making $3000 a month within the first 6 months. Stick with it!

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/make-money-online-with-adwords-302315.html
career training

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Shot Heard Around the World: Google's Endorsement of Get Google Ads Free!

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for various publications in New York and New England area.I recently had the opportunity to interview the fine team of professionals at WebBusinessSecrets.com whose flagship product is "Google Get Free ads. "In April 2007," Google Ads Get Free "was launched, and the effect was nothing less than equality" has heard the shot over the world! "Within a few weeks the people of the world have spoken, and other high - Cran online marketing are scurrying to sell it as an affiliate of company.But here is a small sample that 99.9% of all people in the world do not know: the biggest product endorser is none other than Google itself! That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problem during which anyone can get ads on the search engine for Free! Now, at this point, I know that you must be curious to know how such a thing is possible, as Google Makes money from the sale of two AdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters showtheir allow Google d 'advertisements on their pages). One might think that any information revealed how an AdWords advertiser could get their pay by clicks Detrimental would be free to Google, Google and therefore would not want anyone to find out about it, right? WRONG! It seems that the secrecy system developed by retired physician born in New York contains an interesting "twist" which, while allowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does not reduce one dollar in revenue for Google AdWords. In fact, just the opposite! I can not give the secret here because that's why it is for sale in the first place.But I can tell you that with the implementation of what is inside "Google Get Free Ads," that -- no money loses Google - Google may actually do more M0NEY! -- Advertisers win a moment almost unfair advantage over anyone who does not know the content of "Get Free Ads Google!" - Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competitors! -- Advertisers are not more at risk than their advertising budgets is no longer a question! Wow! And this is only the beginning! Now, where is the definitive proof that Google approves the amazing system shown in Google "Get Free Ads?" I asked this question to the company spokesman and vice-president of sales and marketing, Mr. Todd Coutrin, he Answered: --- "We started our launch, as we always do with a product online, using Google AdWords to offer our product." We used the keywords that contain the word "free" that we anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any campaign De them to the experience. "But when our campaign was paused by Google for a little more time than we have regularly planned, and then we got involved." I actually placed a call to Google directly to 1-866 - 2-GOOGLE and spoke at length with a customer service Rep. who said she had to check what was happening. "She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to the specific nature of the product in question (ie, the ebook" Get Free Ads Google! ") their team at Google obtained the product, read the entire hollow, and then realize that PAS hurt their incomes rise, but actually, they immediately paused and non-resumption of our ads "Amazing --- ! They actually got what amounts to a certificate of approval Signed by Google itself! Conséquent, anyone who wondered about the truth concerning the legality or "Get Free Ads Google!" There is no need to fret all.Yet, the traditional "opposition" seems to ignore the obvious fact that if Google had a problem with "Get Free Ads Google!" Then all of us would not see any ads at Google PPC every time we enter the keyword or phrase: - free ads - free - "Get Google Ads Free "- ppc free - free adwordsAnd etc! Yet, there are many and very stubborn-sighted and foolish among us ... > The "Crybaby syndrome
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ppc-advertising-articles/the-shot-heard-around-the-world-googles-endorsement-of-get-google-ads-free-296787.html
Good Webdesign