Sunday, January 13, 2008

Make Money Online With Adwords

Everyone has a problem with adwords, clicks are too expensive and conversions are not forthcoming. Advertising with adwords is simply too expensive to make a clear profit?

If this was the case why are people still flocking to use and are making masses of money out of it? The truth is if you dont know how to work the adwords system you are going to get stung and when Google sting you they sting you good. The fact of the matter is, if you know how to play the game, you can see hundreds of dollars in profit from adwords marketing.

I want to share with you some tips and tricks I have learnt to help me achieve $100 a day from adwords marketing. (By the way thats $100 profit)

1- Firstly put all your individual keywords in a different adgroup. Why? Because google works strictly with relevance and if you concentrate on each keyword you ca make it 100% relevant and get the cheapest clicks possible even at a higher position.

2- Use your keywords in the actual add, also use it in the display URL. The display URL can be anything and you dont get penalised for making it up. All my URLs are made up to include the keyword and I always have great quality scores!

3- If some of your ads have a low CTR get rid of them and create new ones, low CTR can lead to low quality score.

4- If your ads are unprofitable add buy now to the end of your ad. That way you guarantee the person who clicks through is willing to buy or isprepared to be sold!

5- Always track your keywords, you can add a google tracking code to your site or if your an affiliate ask the webmaster to add it to his/her site. This is a must as not all keywords convert.

This may seem time consuming but the road to internet riches is not a quick one. However with a bit of care and patience you could be making $3000 a month within the first 6 months. Stick with it!

career training


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