Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why You Should Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion Tool

Have you ever heard of dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) tool? Well, is a feature of most pay-per-click (PPC) search engines like Google AdWords lets you put your dynamically selected keywords in the text of your ad pages or so when people looking for specific term, your ad will be displayed and directed to a page where the keyword shown, as well.Basically, the insertion of this feature is not as complicated. Just put (keyword:) anywhere in your ad title, description, URL and destination URL. That's it! You can also add some php encryption code on your page and let your keywords appears to be dynamically its destination page.It would be wonderful if we can manually create ad groups that agree with them and their selected keywords, copies of ads and landing pages. However, it would take a long time. Thus, most search engines like Google AdWords have decided to offer this option that allows users to combine this feature with the power of relevancy.In fact, if done properly, can and must use dynamic keyword insertion (DKI ) Tool at its pay-per-click advertising campaigns. Here are the reasons why you should do the following: that will achieve greater integration of this RelevancyBy surprising role, would be able to make your page more relevant to your keywords and ad text. It will help you obtain a better standard of quality, while its costs can be lowered.You can customize their home page ContentIf to use dynamic keyword insertion in a good way and add the code to your page, then you have the possibility to customize their home page content and target it to its visitors. Thus, their conversion rate and return on investment (ROI) can be created only increased.You & Match ads to its landing PagesDKI will help you create unique ads and match them to their pages. Therefore, not only its (CTR) will increase, but also get higher conversion Rate.You will be able to save your valuable TimeCreating specific ad groups on the basis of each ad copy for each specific related key word is not a quick task. Not to mention that the process of adaptation and direction of each group of ads for the landing page is also time-consuming when they are handling specifically with a large list of keyword search keywords.Dynamic insertion tool will help you use a template with large volumes of search terms and save your precious time.So, the secret key to creating successful pay-per-click campaigns is important that you provide visitors with exactly what you're looking for. This is the reason behind the creation of dynamic keyword insertion tool.But sometimes a problem can get if you use the search engines DKI tool. You can see some misinterpretations that appear as search keywords wrong in your ad. Unfortunately, the drawback of using search engines dynamic keyword insertion tool.


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